Wednesday, August 13, 2008

90's Pop Week: SoulDecision

Most of you probably don't remember soulDecision...most of you probably don't even know who they are but I loved this group so I don't care what you have to say. If the name sounds familiar, it's probably from their one hit wonder-Faded. God, what a great song! I remember when I saw them live, they did this cute little gig, to that song. Anyway. So, I have a great story about Soul Decision. The morning before my first Nsync concert, I had gone to King of Prussia to buy CD's. Crazy idea isn't it- going to a store to buy a CD! I was pumped to finally get the soulDecision CD because I loved Faded and I thought that little rap was so dope (now I realize, that was not a rap at all, I was just extremely sheltered). So, I pick up their self-titled debut and before I know it, I know all of the lyrics to call the songs.

To make things better, soulDecision, along with Eden's Crush (remember them!?) was opening for Nsync! God- it was so great until people started booing them off stage and they ended their set early...harsh crowd. I was so angry.

When I began listening to soulDecision again this week, I realized how dirty their songs were. I had nooo idea that Faded was about trying to get with a girl when you're drunk. I don't think I even knew what Faded meant back then. But check out the lyrics here...not what you thought when you were 12, huh? There debut CD was called No One Does it Better, and their follow up (which sucked) was entitled, Shady Satin Drug (what?).

Another funny story: Shady Satin Drug was such a flop that is only sold about ten thousand records, despite the fact that it cost 5.4 million to make. The failure of Shady Satin Drug caused the band's label to go bankrupt.

  1. Faded
  2. 0o0 It's Kinda Crazy
  3. Gravity
  4. Stay
  5. Next Time
  6. I Don't Need Anyone
  7. Only In My Mind (about being a stalker- one of my faves)
Faded This video makes no sense but Trevor is so seductive...and sexual....I like

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