Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pistol For Ringo

I'm not going to ponder a guess as to what their name means, but a good old google search led me to this- which left me even more confused than I was originally. But regardless, you should check these guys out. Featuring one of my Philly faves, Ben Arnold, Pistol for Ringo formed as a collective, this summer, in sunny LA. Their sound is pretty sweet- it's like surf/indie/blues rock. I hate genres. I also hate when people fuse genres because that makes it even more confusing, but I'm sorry I had to do it. I guess you could call it simple feel good music, but Arnolds voice, as always, delivers that raw, raspy sentiment that touches your soul.

Now, I have just realized, through the wonderful aid of google analytics, that my blog readership is pretty international, so I should stop speaking strictly about Philadelphia events. So, for your West- Coasters, this is for you!

This fall, Pistol for Ringo will be playing on the West Coast, namely California and Nevada. I would seriously check them out, if you get the chance. For everyone else, their 4 song EP will be relased on iTunes October 8th.

Song to Listen to:
Love Like Water

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