Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"3"- Britney Spears

Only a matter of seconds before this video is removed (copyright) haha but I wanted to at least try to share it. I love Britney Spears and I am 100% not ashamed to admit it. Because I have been spending the last hour listening to her newest single, "3" (while I should have been reading Psychology), I wanted to post it on here. This is for all of your hermits who haven't heard this infectious song yet.

Now let's be clear: the lyrics are rather....lackluster. But Britney always had ridiculous production and the writing is so catchy. Even the boys in middle school who claimed to hate "Baby One More Time" were rocking out to it at every school dance. So let's at least give her credit where it's due.

This is not the official video- rather, it is a mash up of her previous videos (tears of nostalgia) .

Okay so even if you hate Britney Spears, you can't tell me this isn't catchy. I mean, you could tell me that but by the end of the day you'll be hating me because you can't get it out of your head.

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