Friday, August 21, 2009

Jason Castro Single Out, and I Just Fell In Love...Again!

So, if you read my previous post on Jason Castro, you'd know how excited I am for this album to come out. Well, today one of my fellow interns informed me that Jason's debut single has come out....and it's my favorite song, "Let's Just Fall In Love." So, obviously, you can purchase this song on iTunes. If you go to his myspace page, there is a 30 second teaser (breaking my heart). Anyway, I highly suggest checking out this song. Also, while you're on his myspace page you'll notice that there are a few perks of pre-ordering his CD. The more you want to pay, the more perks there are...but anyway I digress. I can only show live versions, because I know WMG will immediately remove all other content.

Check out, "Let's Just Fall In Love."

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