Saturday, August 9, 2008


I was browsing the internet early this morning because I was awakened by my neighbors failed attempt to do construction on their own house. Anyway, I came across this bizarre sight that actually connects musicians and groupies. Dangerous? You might think...and I have to agree with you. This sounds sketch..and like some hippies are up to no good (don't get me wrong, I love best friend is a hippie)

So this website is called Better Than A Van and their page reads:

"Touring isn't cheap or easy. We know, we've done it for years. We thought of this as a way for bands and music lovers to offer up their floor and couches. We've stayed in some great and not so great places while on tour, so we know it can be hit or miss. We figure people are fans of bands and bands become fans of other bands. If we give them all a place to meet under a common need, good things will come of it."

There are a lot of things going on in my read after reading this but I'll keep my comments to myself, as you are probably thinking the same things. Anyway, at least check out the's an interesting concept, just incredibly weird.


Anonymous said...


It looks more like cool people who help out bands that are just getting started. Not everyone comes out of the gate staying at the Four Seasons.

Anonymous said...

this is weird. why would you stay with random people...and why would you let random people stay with you. Motel 6 is pretty cheap and probably safer. Where do you find this stuff, Ashley?

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty cool! I'm not convinced that more than a few people will volunteer for it, given how it could be sketchy, but it's an interesting idea.

I posted an interview with the people behind the site on my blog: Better Than The Van

Check it out!