Friday, August 1, 2008

Timeless- Ben Arnold

I am sooo excited for today's Philly Phriday. Today's artist is Ben Arnold. I first heard this Philly artist while working at Ropeadope Records last summer. When I listened to his gorgeously raspy voice, I knew this guy couldn't be from Philadelphia. Don't get me wrong, Philly has a great music scene but despite his soul and passion, his sound is not a Philadelphia sound. But if you listen to his lyrics in this song especially, it's evident that Arnold is influenced by music legends of the past. For Philly Phriday Song of the Day, I chose "Timeless," simply because it had a music video. It's a great song, one of his better pieces to be honest. The timing is actually pretty good for this Song of the Day because Arnold will be opening for Jim Boggia's (another Philly artist) CD Release Party at World Cafe Live on August 6th. Also, for you folk lovers, Arnold will also be at the Philly Folk Fest on August 15th.

Just one listen and you can see how his music transcends space and time, making his sound "timeless"

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