Thursday, May 21, 2009

Eric Lindell

I know it's been a crazy long time since I've written but I promise I will be more on top of things this summer. I just moved to NYC for the summer (follow that experience on my twitter at Aside from interning at Atlantic Records, I just took on a street team job with Creative Entertainment Group. Free concerts- can't complain.

So, through my work at CEG, I found out about an artist named Eric Lindell, who will be performing at Sullivan Music Hall next Thursday on May 28th. I will be there and you should definitely check it out. Lindell is actually pretty old school although his sound is very modern and hip. I guess he would be described as (here goes another crazy genre) blues-funk-rock fusion (sorry I just like the word "fusion." Definitely check him out on his website and come to the show!

Here's Eric at Sullivan Hall Two years ago: "Cassanova"

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