Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dave Barnes Part Two! or Six...Or Whatever We're Up To Now

I have recently considered turning Muse Sickly Challenged into a blog (or shrine, if you will) devoted to Dave Barnes. But after speaking with my associates (the voices inside my head), I decided that it would be best to keep it a blog about all music. However, I must update you on my latest run in with- you guessed it- DAVE BARNES!

So, I decided to work the merch table at Dave Barnes' show last night. It seemed like a fair deal- sit at the merch table, watch the show for free- so I did it.

After Sir Barnes' set, which was wonderfully executed, he had a little meet and greet. Since there were an abundance of girls swarming my man, I took that time to purchase my "I heart Dave Barnes" t-shirt, which is very nice, I suggest buying one of your own. So then, after the line died down, I came face to face with DB for the second time and the first words out of his mouth were:

"that interview was right on time"

That's right! Dave Barnes remembered Ashley Bradley from earlier this summer. One of the better days of my life..because of that and oh yeah, because the Phillies won the WORLD SERIES!

Oh and for those of you who still haven't checked out Dave Barnes, watch this video- it sums up his latest album

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